Switch to XFCE

As I wrote in some previous posts I’ve replaced my old thinkpad with a new one, the deal was to find a Linux operating system with a full support of my hardware. I just tried to migrate my trusty Redhat 6, and after some rebuild I get a “well” working system.
I love the legacy system you can always know where to find the things you need and generally they works more better than new one, but for desktop use sometimes is necessary something a little modern (kernel, lib, etc.).

So I’ve installed Fedora 19, I already used this distribution in the past till version 14 (the last release with Gnome 2), the installer is great and after reboot surprise, my notebook hardware are fully supported even HSPA/GPS card, fingerprint reader and TPM chip, awesome!!
At this point the problem begin.. and the name is Gnome 3, Shell or whatever they wanna call that crap, I even found a very disappointed twit dated 11/06/11 wrote by me about that, when I’ve tried Fedora 15 for the first time and the complaints were to Gnome 3..
By the way I decided to give it a chance, I spent 2 days, days of terrific pain, patch and random code to fix bugs (or trying to do) just for made it a little usable and finally I figured out: after more than two years still is a bunch of buggy crap.

I can only describe it as The worst user experience ever, I don’t want a stupid smartphone/tablet or clone of clone of clone of other worst user interfaces.

So I took a look of alternatives and I’ve tried Xfce: it’s light, simple and stable.

The next post will be related to the optimization and integration of Xfce.

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